Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tennessee Legal Resources

       For those Tennesseans who are representing themselves in court the following site is a great legal resource:  This is a free site by Lexis Nexis that has up-to-date Tennessee Codes.  You can search the code by Table of Contents or by the actual language of the statute. 

       Another great site for you to use if you find yourself in court is   This site has all the current Tennessee rules of civil procedure.  Many times, Pro Se litigants (a person representing him/herself in court) lose on technicalities by not abiding by the rules of civil procedure, such as not filing a response by the deadline, or not answering requests for admissions.  When you receive a document from oppsosing party, it will say which rule its motion or discovery request is based on.  Use this website to read the rule so you can determine what you need to do to respond properly.  This website also contains rules of appellate procedure, criminal procedure, and the rules of evidence.  

       Please also notice the link on the left which says "Local Rules of Practice."  The previously mentioned rules apply state wide, however, local rules are just that: local.  Each court has their own rules that you need to know and that can vary from county to county and even judge to judge. 

       Whenever you find yourself in court, I highly recommend hiring an attorney since we are well versed in these rules, but if you are a DIY person or cannot afford an attorney these sites are wonderful resources.

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